Health & Nutrition Books

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Wheat Belly Total Health by Dr William Davis--a comprehensive overview of why modern day wheat is nothing like that of our ancestors and how it wreaks havoc on our health. Dr Davis is a board certified cardiologist so most of this book is geared toward understanding how wheat and grains affect our blood sugar and inflammation which are the primary underlying causes of heart disease. It provides information on laboratory testing and optimal ranges. An absolute must read for anyone who has blood sugar dysregulation, prediabetes, diabetes, or heart disease or anyone who wants to avoid these diagnoses in the future.

Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? by Dr Mark Hyman--If you feel overwhelmed with all of the conflicting nutrition advice and have ever asked yourself "what the heck should I eat?", Dr. Hyman has the answer for you!

Grain Brain by Dr David Perlmutter--Dr Perlmutter is a board certified neurologist and lost his father to Alzheimer's disease. This book discusses the detrimental impact of grains on brain health. This is very much along the same theme as Wheat Belly but with the focus being on neurological and brain health rather than cardiovascular health (although one could argue these are very closely related). This book has a revised & updated edition that was released in 2018.

Brain Maker by Dr David Perlmutter--This book emphasizes the relationship between gut health and probiotics and brain health. This book was before its time in its discussion of the link between the gut and the brain and has been proven correct by new and advancing research on the science of the microbiome.

The Mind-Gut Connection by Dr Emeran Mayer--If you love science and gut health and want to learn more about this microbiome you keep hearing about, this book is completely fascinating.

Folks, This Ain't Normal by Joel Salatin--Joel Salatin is the farmer behind Polyface Farms, one of the best known examples of regenerative agriculture and how to truly live in harmony with nature. He describes himself as a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer and that should tell you all you need to know about the intellect and humor behind his writing. This book describes the short sightedness behind so many decisions regarding agriculture, animal welfare, and the food system in general.

Eat Dirt by Dr. Josh Axe--Dr. Axe runs a well known website that puts health information into easily understandable terms. This book is packed full of scientific information that is easy to understand for someone without a scientific or medical background. It provides a wealth of information regarding leaky gut, what causes it, what the long term effects of leaky gut can be, and how to address it. There is also a discussion on different subtypes of leaky gut based on Dr. Axe's study of Chinese medicine. The books ends with recipes and how to make your own household cleaners using essential oils. This book is a great reference to have on your bookshelf.

Keto Diet by Dr. Josh Axe--In his typical easy to read style, Dr. Axe describes what a ketogenic diet is, how to implement it in a healthy way that doesn't involve tons of bacon and cheese, and the research describing how a ketogenic diet can support health in many ways by helping your body use fat for fuel. If you've been curious about what keto truly is and how it could help you, I would start with this book.


Many of these books are available on Scribd, my favorite reading platform! It is basically like Netflix, but for books! They have ebooks and audiobooks and often have new releases on their release date! If you want to check it out for a free trial, you can use my link here! I normally think subscription services are a waste of money, but this is one that I use every single day and definitely get my money's worth out of every month!


I am usually always reading something related to health or nutrition and share most of my books on my Instagram stories and in the Books highlight on my Instagram page.
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