Fire Cider
This is a wonderful addition to your winter wellness arsenal! I made this for the first time 2 years ago and we all enjoyed the spicy, tangy, but somehow mellow flavor.
I promise that the ingredients sound much worse than what the final product tastes like!
You can find a huge variety of recipes for this by everyone from herbalists to Martha Stewart, and there is really no right or wrong way to make it. I tend to look at several recipes, take bits and pieces from each based on what I have on hand or can easily obtain, and then combine to make it my own.
I use organic produce as this is made into a sort of tincture and I like mine as pesticide free as possible 🙂
1 sliced onion (white or red)
6 large cloves of garlic (add more if your cloves are small!)
2 sliced jalapenos
1 hand of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
2 inch piece of horseradish sliced
1-2 lemons, sliced
1-2 oranges, sliced
Turmeric (root or powder) & cayenne pepper are optional
Apple cider vinegar
Local honey
Place all prepared produce into a 32 oz mason jar. Pour in enough apple cider vinegar to cover and put the lid on the jar. (I love plastic mason jar lids for this as they don't rust or react with the vinegar).
Shake well.
Store in a cool, dark place and shake daily for 2 weeks to 1 month.
Strain into a smaller mason jar and add about ¼ cup honey. Stir well to incorporate.
You can add more honey if this is too spicy!
You can refrigerate or leave in a cool, dry place. I refrigerate mine along with my elderberry syrup!